Friday, May 8

moving in circles

Since days and days we are looking for the right rehearsing spot.

Whenever I think we have reached the right piece of land, Savannah feels it is wrong and whenever she suggests something I miss this specific intuition of this-is-IT.

With this-is-IT I expect a feeling that completely strikes into you. Like that flash second of clarity when you meet the guy who has been waiting out there for you to find him ... (although probably he hasn’t been waiting. It is probably more a matter of BUMPING into each other than it is a matter of “waiting” and “running around like a crazy chicken trying to find”.)

It just happens in a completely unspectacular manner, but when it is there – as unspectacular as the situation is per se – you know it. And if you really look into it, it is quite spectacular, because: how often does this happen in life..?! Finding the right moment, the right spot, the right thought, the right expression, the right friend, the right role that you are supposed to play in this specific bracket of time..?

Savannah and I have not had this this-is-IT-moment since days and days.

And until we get there we will continue running in circles.